thyroid disease The Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck

The Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck

Thyroid Disease

Among all hormonal disorders, thyroid disorders are the most common. Your thyroid provides energy to nearly every organ in your body. But without the right amount of thyroid hormones, your body’s natural functions do not work properly. An estimated 20 million Americans have thyroid disease. But up to 60% of those are unaware of their condition.

Three Types of Thyroid disease

Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

Your thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. As a result, it prompts the overactivity of the body’s organs. In addition, you may have accelerated metabolism, unintentional weight loss, and an irregular heartbeat. People with hyperthyroidism feel tired. Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder that attacks the thyroid, may cause hyperthyroidism and trigger the release of excess hormones.

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)

Your thyroid gland produces too little hormone. As a result, that deficiency disrupts heart rate, body temperature, and metabolism. Older women may suffer hypothyroidism most, and major symptoms include fatigue and sensitivity to cold. Other symptoms are constipation, dry skin, and unexplained weight gain. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an immune condition, is the most common cause of underactive thyroid. When this disease attacks your thyroid gland, it causes chronic thyroid inflammation. As a result, it reduces thyroid function.


Your thyroid is enlarged. Perhaps it has a nodule growth, the most common of thyroid disorders. Both Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s disease may cause a goiter. Goiter can also follow from an iodine deficiency due to lack of dietary iodine or an over-use of hormone-inhibiting foods like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Chaitali Nangrani M.D is here for you

Chaitali Nangrani M.D is here for you

Treating thyroid disorders

Treating for too much or too little thyroid hormone depends on restoring the hormone levels to their proper balance as a result. Although knowing the cause of the disorder may help determine the best treatment, your tolerance of the treatment is important.

  • Possible treatments for overactive thyroid include
    • radioactive iodine, as a result, shrinking the gland by destroying overactive cells
    • anti-thyroid medications that block the production of thyroid hormones
    • beta-blockers (usually used for high blood pressure), especially if overactive thyroid causes a rapid or irregular heartbeat
    • surgery to remove nodules or the affected half of your thyroid gland.
    • Also if you have hyperthyroidism, you must limit your iodine intake.
  • The usual treatment for an underactive thyroid is enough synthetic hormone daily to restore adequate levels.
  • Small benign goiters may not require treatment, while large or malignant goiters need medical and surgical treatment.

Your unresolved menopausal-like symptoms may mask an undiagnosed thyroid disease. So if menopause-like symptoms persist, ask the doctor for a thyroid test.

Where are we located?

Call now for a consultation with Dr. Nangrani if you are having any of the symptoms mentioned above, and she will help you sort out a program to regain your health.

You are our top priority here at Vedas. Located in The Woodlands, Texas, our North Houston office is only minutes from I-45 (Houston’s North Freeway). Come get acquainted with Dr. Nangrani, our board-certified Medical Director. She has practiced for over 15 years. Please call our office to schedule your free consultation at (281) 298-5476. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Source- Healthchanneltv

Image- Webmd

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