Vedas grand opening: Vedas Medical Spa & Wellness Center and Woodlands Functional Family Medicine
Whether or not you missed Vedas grand opening celebration, we’d love to have you in the Vedas family. Vedas is so easy to find, so easy to get to at 2626 Research Forest Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77381. Minutes from Interstate 45 (Houston’s North Freeway). Call 281-298-5476 to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Nangrani, your trusted doctor. As a one-stop shop, Dr. Nangrani can be your PCP for your health needs and your anti-aging specialist for getting rid of wrinkles! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Our fabulous Saxophonist, Christina Williams Woodard  | We were delighted by the catering by Dosey Doe, our neighbor in Suite B

It was “old home week” for many clients in our Vedas family at our Vedas Grand Opening.