Anti-aging tweaks
From erasing wrinkles to restoring volume, anti-aging tweaks that take less than an hour to a younger you!

Small tweaks that yield a BIG difference

Here is our list of top five anti-aging tweaks you can do that do turn back the clock. Best yet, all treatments are one hour or less and really deliver!

  • Firming, tightening, and lifting effect on the skin
  • Tissue and scarring repair
  • Enhanced hydration
  • Dewy and plumper-looking complexion
  • No downtime and minimal side effects

1. Dermal Fillers— anti-aging tweaks tried and true

Dermal fillers improve your facial contours by restoring volume and fullness. With fillers, you can correct moderate-to-severe volume loss, tear troughs, facial wrinkles, and folds.

For instance, dermal fillers placed at the bridge of your nose can smooth out a distinct contour change, and improve your profile. They can smooth out deep marionette folds that bracket your beautiful smile.

2. Wrinkle Erasers

Wrinkles, crow’s feet, and laugh lines show how much life you have lived, whether you are happy, sad, angry, or surprised. As a result, Botox wrinkle eraser injections seem to turn back aging and erase the effect our emotions have had on our faces.

And your results last up to four months! They can help prevent future wrinkles and deepening of existing lines. Some of the best anti-aging tweaks are so subtle, you won’t remember the wrinkles when they’re gone!

3. CO2 laser— anti-aging tweaks for texture and skin elasticity

We all know that drinking plenty of water isn’t the secret to beautiful-looking skin. Although water hydrates the skin and it appears plumper. Let’s talk about CO2 laser skin resurfacing.

The new technology of fraxelated or micro-ablative laser can achieve the same dramatic results as long-used ablative CO2. Best yet, you can now avoid the long downtime and uncomfortable recovery associated with the older treatment. As a result, the long-term benefits of the Fraxel CO2 SmartLaser include the improvement of skin elasticity, clarity, and texture.

4. Nose augmentation

It’s a nose job without surgery! Now you can sculpt and define the profile of your nose with subtly placed dermal fillers. Say bye-bye to surgery with long recovery times. Then say hello to the next generation of dermal fillers. Anti-aging tweaks can sculpt! These hyaluronic acid-based fillers perfectly deliver a smooth slope to your nose, with natural-looking results.

The gentler, hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can successfully improve your appearance. During your consultation, the doctor will evaluate your nose area, and together you will decide on the best treatment for you.

5. The gold standard of anti-aging tweaks

Add a micro-needling facial using your cells injected like a dermal filler. Because Your skin’s stem cells, they produce more collagen and grow new cells. As a result, it rejuvenates your whole face.

You are our top priority here at Vedas Medical Spa in The Woodlands, Texas. Our North Houston office is conveniently located minutes from I-45 (Houston’s North Freeway).

Call now for your free consultation and explore the anti-aging tweaks that will take years off your age. Come get acquainted with Dr. Nangrani, our board-certified Medical Director. She has practiced for over 15 years. Please call our office to schedule your consultation at (281) 298-5476.

*Source Healthline and Realself