Reasons To Choose NeoGraft The Woodlands

Neograft The Woodlands allows you to experience the full effect of hair restoration that uses state-of-the-art technology. It is the best solution for hair loss that lets you achieve unnoticeable, natural-looking results. Why should you choose NeoGraft?
It is suitable for many types of patients – Other hair restoration techniques are case-specific – some are only for men while some treat specific cases of hair loss. With Neograft, it works for both men and women with hair thinning problems.
It is efficient – Because the procedure is automated, it quickly covers a large area. The procedure typically takes less time overall than manual extraction or strip methods.
There is minimal bleeding and fewer complications – The entire procedure only needs a local anesthetic. There is no intravenous or intra-muscular sedation needed. Because it is an automated system, there is no need for surgical cutting.
Call 281-298-5476 to book your free consultation with Dr. Nangrani and our Spa Director. Together, you will discuss your expectations and design your treatment plan.
Vedas is minutes from I-45 (Houston’s North Freeway) in The Woodlands. We look forward to seeing you soon!