Medical Weight Loss

Dr. Chaitali Nangrani and her medical team design and supervise medical weight loss plans with a good understanding of how the body works. The plans are personalized for you and tailored to suit your lifestyle, activity level, and overall health. Every aspect is carefully planned and monitored.

Your weight loss program will include lifestyle changes like quitting smoking and better blood pressure control. Not a simple initiative to lose weight, it is not a fad diet, either.

A personal program can provide long-term success. Crash dieting might help you to lose weight, but its effects don’t last.

Take control of your weight loss and your weight with a medical weight loss program that gives you the knowledge and tools for your weight management lifestyle.

Comprehensive Evaluation Before a Weight Loss Program

Dr. Nangrani will conduct a thorough examination to understand your current health. This may include a comprehensive blood panel, and EKG, weight, and body fat analysis, measurement of your waist, and a detailed review of your medical and health history.

Medical Monitoring

A weight loss program may cause changes in your blood pressure as well as heart and respiratory rates. Weekly monitoring by a medical professional can help track these changes.

Proactive Individual Support as You Lose Weight

Your medical professionals at Vedas provide you with an immediate source of support. They will help you to lose weight on your personalized program. Best yet, they will help you maintain the weight loss, as well.

What are My Choices?

Vedas Medical Spa’s best plan is Vedas Wellness Weight Control, which puts the power and learning into your own hands with its online resources, including menu and exercise planners, all customized for you.

Learn more:

What is Weight Control?
Vedas Wellness Weight Control
Medical Benefits of Weight Loss
What is hCG Weight Loss?


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