Hollow eye area

Hollows under the eyes can make us look aged

An under-eye filler can add some volume to this area by correcting the hollow eye area and plumping it out. As you can see from the Galderma image above, using Restylane Eyelight can help you to look more rested. 

Non-surgical filler for your hollow eye area

When you choose our popular non-surgical eye treatments, you choose treatments that work.

Several treatments:

  • Rejuvenate skin tissue
  • Rejuvenate the area using fillers

When you consult with Dr. Nangrani, you will discuss your expectations and design your treatment plan around procedures that work.

Bye Bye Hooded Eyes with Botox

Cosmetic Botox injections stop nerve signals to your brow muscle. As a result, this temporarily keeps the muscle from contracting and causing wrinkles. When the muscle recovers after several months, you can repeat the treatment. Including Botox in your non-surgical eyelid lift can highlight your treatment’s improvement with a smooth brow.

Where are we located?

You are our top priority here at Vedas. Located in The Woodlands, Texas, our North Houston office is only minutes from I-45 (Houston’s North Freeway). So easy to find, so easy to get to! Come in for your free consultation for personalized information about your aging, hooded eyes, or a hollow eye area. Get acquainted with Dr. Nangrani, our board-certified Medical Director. She has practiced for over 15 years. Please call our office to schedule your consultation at (281) 298-5476.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • Galderma image of before and after client

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