Glow facials

Get your glowing skin back

After months of cold, hot, and in-between weather here in Texas! Weather that blasts our skin and heated air in our homes that is drying to our skin. Come in to Vedas for your personalized combination of treatments, products, and techniques for flawless, clear and glowing, stunning skin. It’s almost Christmas, and it’s your time to shine! Glow facials are made for that!

Chaitali Nangrani M.D addresses your concerns and achieves the best results. To help you get there, Vedas offers CareCredit, designed to help you pay for your health, wellness, and personal care needs. For your ultimate convenience, you can do the application process and payments all online.

Get your Glow on with glow facials!

DiamondGlow™ is more than a facial. It’s unlike traditional wet facial treatments that rely on chemical exfoliation to treat skin’s surface. The DiamondGlow patented recessed diamond tip wand delivers a next-level resurfacing treatment that deeply cleans and rejuvenates the skin.

Acne, acne scars, and enlarged pores

Acne, an often painful skin condition that causes pimples or “zits,” can also leave scars, depending on the severity of the acne. Active acne can include whiteheads, blackheads, and red, inflamed patches of skin (such as cysts). Clogged, inflamed, and infected pores cause acne.

After acne heals, Vedas Medical Spa can help to reduce the appearance of scars and restore your clear, glowing, stunning skin.

Glow facials: Skin resurfacing treatments for clear glowing skin

Sometimes, your skin needs a new surface, especially for hyperpigmentation and freckles, dull and dehydrated skin, saggy skin, or small wrinkles. Does an old tattoo from your youth betray your modern, sophisticated look? Skin resurfacing can help restore your clear glowing skin.

HydraFacial and DiamondGlow both treat your skin well, and combine with nourishing and cleansing products. Chemical peels can take your skin surface down to new, baby-soft skin.

For hyperpigmentation and freckles, consider microneedling with PRP, also improving the appearance of small wrinkles as it nourishes new collagen in your skin.

Laser procedures use optically amplified light that can focus to a tight spot for delicate procedures. Specialized lasers may be optimized for different goals, from hair reduction to tattoo removal.

Call 281-298-5476 to book your free consultation with Dr. Nangrani and our Spa Director. Together, you will discuss your expectations and design your treatment plan with glow facials. As a result, your clear glowing skin will benefit from many combinations of treatments and products.

Vedas is minutes from I-45 (Houston’s North Freeway) in The Woodlands. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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*Results may vary *Before and After Photos - individual results may vary. Some images may be models or istock images

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. Our information is for education and information purposes only.

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