Frequently Asked Questions About Coolsculpting

Learn more about Coolsculpting, one treatment for excess fat pockets. Coolsculpting is a revolutionary way of eliminating fat cells. Instead of melting away the fat, it freezes it so the body could naturally flush it out. Vedas does not offer Coolsculpting, but we want you to know about it.

Who is a good candidate for Coolsculpting? The procedure is for those who are comfortable with their weight but wish to slim down fat bulges in some parts of their body.

Does it require multiple sessions? It can be performed with one treatment session, but this would depend on your doctor’s recommendation during the consultation.

What does the treatment feel like? At first, the patient will experience pressure and cold. The feeling will be intense at first but will fade as the procedure goes on. There isn’t much pain involved as many patients do other things, like read a book or watch TV while the procedure is ongoing.

How does it work?
It is a painless and simple procedure that uses a gel pad and handheld device to deliver controlled cooling to target areas. It freezes fat cells and stimulates their removal through a natural process.

How long does it take?
Depending on the areas to be treated, it could last anywhere from one to several hours. If you require more than two hours, you have the option to have it scheduled all in one sitting or break it up over several days.

Is it painful?
The technology enables precise, controlled delivery of the cooling that affects only fat cells on your body, ensuring that no surrounding tissue or cells are affected or damaged.

When will I see the results?
Because Coolsculpting is non-invasive, you will not see final results until your body has naturally eliminated the disrupted fat cells. 

Call 281-298-5476 to book your free consultation with Dr. Nangrani and our Spa Director. Together, you will discuss your expectations and design a treatment plan.

Vedas is minutes from I-45 (Houston’s North Freeway) in The Woodlands. We look forward to seeing you soon!