
The Collagen Revolution

Collagen is the most plentiful protein in the body. The “glue” that holds things together, provides structure to the skin. The root of the word collagen is the Greek word “Kolla,” meaning glue. In addition, from a medical standpoint, it also helps the blood clot.

Most importantly, collagen makes up all connective tissue like bone, tendon, and cartilage. Found throughout the body, collagen is a prime building block in many different ways. Lucky for us, we produce collagen naturally. Unluckily, we produce about 1 percent less collagen in the skin each successive year after age twenty. As a result, our skin becomes thinner and more fragile with age.

We can see aging in precancerous skin changes, freckles, and sunspots. Most notably, we notice the exaggerated loss of collagen, elastin, and GAGs, compounds that keep the skin hydrated. You can see how ultraviolet rays hasten the natural decline, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. So by extension, slowing your skin’s aging can keep you looking young longer.

The Revolution

As a result, anti-aging, non-invasive aesthetic treatments are increasing in popularity. Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can add natural-looking volume. By combining with water, hyaluronic acid plumps your skin.  So just one doctor visit can produce good results. Even better news! Research suggests that Hyaluronic acid (HLA) dermal fillers stimulate the replenishment of your collagen. HLA has a key role in tissue regeneration, inflammation response, and creation of new blood vessels, all phases of skin wound repair. That is a huge plus: the result is fresher-looking, new skin.

You are our top priority here at Vedas. In The Woodlands, Texas, our North Houston office is only minutes from I-45 (Houston’s North Freeway). We look forward to seeing you soon!

We offer a free consultation for personalized information. Come get acquainted with Dr. Nangrani, our board-certified Medical Director, who has practiced for over 15 years. Please call our office to schedule your consultation at (281) 298-5476. Together, you will discuss your expectations and design your treatment plan.

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Sources: Wikipedia, Healthline, Huffpost, Scientific American