thread lift study

Consider applying for our limited-time offer. We require one candidate not affiliated with any other medical spa and can use the thread lift study for communication purposes. Note: This research study is for mid-face thread lifting to potentially correct age-related wrinkles and help give a youthful appearance. We are now looking for women and men 22 years of age or older who have not had any injections, including non-permanent dermal fillers, within the last two years. We give compensation for time and commitment. Study procedure free of charge.  

Dr. Nangrani will select the best candidate from those applying.

Restrictions Apply.



PDO Threads Procedure 

Call 281-298-5476 or email for instructions on how to qualify for this thread lift study offer.

Vedas is minutes from Interstate 45 (Houston’s North Freeway). So easy to find, so easy to get to! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Non-surgical faceliftIncisionless Mini FaceliftWhat are contour threads?


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